Etihad Airways

  • Etihad Airways ke airline ea bogolo ea United Arab Emirates le e kopanetse ka Abu Dhabi. E biletsang ka July 2003 le e tsebetsa ka November 2003. Etihad Airways ke airline e phetoe e bontshoang ha Asia re thusa dichelete tse sitisitseng ka marang-rang a metsi. E tlisa lefula ho melemo e mehlaleng ea 80 lihlooho tse fapaneng. Airline e na le mohatlo o makatang oa likotsi tse 100, likotsung tsa Boeing le Airbus. Etihad Airways e lemoha ho tshebetso ea melao ea bo-etsa le ka inthaneteng moputso o le hlokahalang ho ea busa boemong, boholo bo fisang le bo busoa tsoelo-pele. Airlines e na le morero o lekaneng wa Etihad Aviation Group, e kopano e molemo ea lik'hama tse khethiloeng ho tseba nako ea ho falana etsoe ebe e na le motheo oa ho kena le ho lahleheloa ho Etihad Airways Engineering, Etihad Airport Services, le Etihad Holidays.
Etihad Airways
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Sheremetyevo International
Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Sheremetyevo International
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Chelsea Twr EY Bus Station
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
New Delhi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete
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Abu Dhabi
Khoela lihelete