KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

  • Moea oa KLM Royal Dutch Airlines ke motsoalle oa litaba tsa naha ea Holland. E holloa ka 1919 'me e na le setlholomeho ka Amstelveen, naha ea Holland. Moea oa litaba o sebelisitsoe ka leano la Air France-KLM Group 'me o fetoa letsatsi le letsatsi moea fatšeng lefatšeng la litšiebiso tse tsebetsang litaba tsa boaelo le likarolo tse ling tsa boholo tse tsoetseng porofense tse kholo le mabu a Mahlakago le Mea.
  • KLM o fa litšebeletsoabolang le tšireletso tsa khasinyetsi ho lithapelo tse mamello ho dikgahliso tse 170 mo lefatšeng le leng le leng, ka tlase Europa, Aşia, Afrika, Naha, le Mabapi le Nahaeng ea Mesebetsi. Moea o tsoanele ka bohlokoa phoofolo ea hae ho Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 'me o na le mehala e mengata ea hae ho libakeng tse ling tsa Netherlands, tse fumanehang ka libokeng, e le Rotterdam The Hague Airport le Eindhoven Airport. Moea o na le litsoako tse ncha tsa letsatsi la mohala le mehato ea tšobotsi tsa mefuta e mengata le mefuta ea tse ling, le e falleletseng puseletso ea ho tshebetsoa joaloka le empa le empa liphoofolo, e li lesome le leta 'moho ea litaba tsa mekhoa eo e ling le mesebetsi ea motsamao ea litaba ho tsebiso tse leng tse
  • Ho feta tšebeletsong, KLM o fumane litšebeletso tse sa nang le tšebeletso tse ncha joaloka KLM Cityhopper, eo e sebelisitsoe ka ho fetola Ditokomane ho lijo tse khōlō tsa Europa. Moea o na le tšebeletso ea ho lota sebaka sa dikopa sa 'nota hao, le Flying Blue sephutheloeng, eo e lula feela lijo tse Potlakileng ka litefiso tsa litaba le ho latela tsebeletso.
  • KLM o na le selo sa ho responsa le dipollobo 'me o ile a teng tlhokomelo nakong e fetileng bakeng sa ho amohela tšebiso ea ntoa. Moea o ne oa khatolla likhetho tsa ho etsahatsa litšuoa tsa hae tsa tsoibila, o ne a sebelisa tšhebetso ea boitsebiso bo fanoeng le lipula tse mamello, o ile a tlameha ho etsa thosago bakeng sa ho hlahloba tlaleletso ea CO2.
  • Ka kakaretšo, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines ke moea o mamello oa litaba moo o fumaneha tšebeletso le litšebeletso tse kholo tsa lithapelo ho baeti ba lefatšeng ka ntle le ntle.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
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Charles De Gaulle
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Khoela lihelete
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Khoela lihelete
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Khoela lihelete
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Khoela lihelete
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Khoela lihelete